Summer has arrived! As the weather gets warmer, an increase in activity or insulin sensitivity might affect your blood sugar management. Here are some insulin pump tips:
Exercise & Activity
Working up a sweat feels good and helps cool down your body, but it can expose your pump to moisture without you even realizing it. Keep your pump dry while exercising and on hot days by wearing it in a case made from water-resistant materials; such as a sports or nylon case or on your belt clip. If you decide to disconnect your pump while working out, make sure it’s put in a safe place.
Summer Pumping
If you’re a ‘podder’, your pump is waterproof, your PDM is not! If you are wearing Medtronic or Tandem pumps, your pump is water resistant, but should be disconnected near water. If you are heading to the beach, pool, or waterpark for the day, consider staying connected to your pump until entering the water, then disconnect and put your pump in a shaded, dry spot. Take breaks from being in the water so that you can check your blood sugars and see if you need to connect to give yourself a correction bolus dose.
Make adjustments to your pump settings or insulin doses if you are more active or if your insulin is working better in the warmer weather. Not sure how to do this? Ask your CDE or attend the Diabetes Depot / LMC Diabetes Education workshop ‘Adjusting for Activity’ on July 6th from 7:30 to 8:30pm ET for more information. Click the link to register: