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Discovering that your young child has type 1 or type 2 diabetes can give rise to many emotions. You may feel angry, sad, upset, guilty, helpless or anxious, and you may worry whether you will be able to cope with the level of care your child will need every day.
Because your child is so young, you will have the responsibility for looking after his or her diabetes, which can make your job as a parent even more demanding. You are not alone, however. Many services are available to help you and your child learn more about diabetes and what you, and others who care for your child, need to do to manage the condition.
This Kids with Diabetes in Your Care resource kit provides basic information to people who provide care to children with diabetes, including parents/guardians, school staff, childcare workers, coaches, youth workers and camp staff. Its purpose is to help ensure the safety and well-being of children with diabetes.
The kit offers a number of educational materials to help caregivers better understand diabetes, its treatment, and its management. It also includes resources for parents of children with diabetes so that they can better prepare their child’s school and teachers to help effectively manage their child’s condition in a classroom setting.
This resource booklet provides basic information to people who have children with diabetes in their care, including parents, school staff, childcare workers and coaches. Its purpose is to help ensure the safety and well-being of kids with diabetes.
It is important for teachers and other caregivers to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia. This information poster gives an overview of the treatment for mild or moderate hypoglycemia so that caregivers can react quickly and effectively.
This detailed checklist will help parents/guardians prepare their child’s teachers and school to effectively meet the needs of a child with diabetes.